User Accounts

To make use of any SDK functionality, a player must have a CGC account. CGC accounts are for users to connect in-game IDs with their NFTs, as well as being able to aggregate their NFTs across chains.

It is fairly straightforward to implement this as part of your login and registration flow.


Params: string email, string password Response: string result or throw exception in case of error

var result = cgc.AuthorizeUser("", "123");

Catheon Connect

Due to this approach (i.e. email and password requirement), we cannot accept social login (Facebook, Gmail, Twitter) or usernames.

In the case of a game that does not support email and password login, we would suggest that they implement a Catheon Connect button in their game which would invoke the same method but request a password from the user (post-login) or a one-time prompt to request the user enter their password.

This button would invoke a in-game modal window similar to the below, wherein the user’s email address is prefilled, and they are asked to input their password.

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